The Naked Witch (1961)
- Duration: 59:00
- Year: 1961
- Rating: NR
- Cast: Denis Adams, Charles West, Howard Ware, Jack Herman, Marilyn Pope, Der Saengerbund Children's Choir, Jo Maryman, Robert Short, Libby Hall, Rae Forbes, Gary Owens
- Directors: Claude Alexander, Larry Buchanan
- Writers: Larry Buchanan, Claude Alexander
- Genre: Horror|Witches, Horror, NQSF, NQSF|Monsters and Mutants
Trashy classic horror movie warning! A student researching a school project disturbs the grave of a witch. The witch begins an unhinged campaign of vixen-ish vengeance against the descendants of her persecutors. Only the student himself can stop her now! A trashy title, a hot babe and more!